Sea Stories

“Will You Turn Me on, Mr. Willoughby?”

As a diving instructor, I have met many wonderful people; some casual acquaintances and some life-long friends. Over the years a number of unforgettable people have given me the pleasure of teaching them to scuba dive. I recall one incident in particular that actually left me speechless and believe me, that didn’t happen very often. It was the first night […]
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A Chilling Ten Minutes

Some time ago, I received a phone call from the National Enquirer. Just so that you don’t get it confused with National Geographic, the National Enquirer is a publication like the ones you find at the checkout counter of your local grocery store. They were told that I had an extensive collection of photos of the Giant Pacific Octopus, the […]
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Take Me To Your Leader

Jim Recalls: “You have to remember, there were very few divers in those days. Sooner or later you would meet other divers on the beach. Eventually, five of us got together and formed a small diving club. You might think that the name of the club is Mickey Mouse. Believe me, to dive back then, with the available equipment and […]
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Believe It Or Not

In my early days of diving in British Columbia, I recovered several pairs of glasses, wallets, fishing rods, and even some false teeth, among other things. I put up a bright red wooden sea horse in every marina in the area. My sign read SEA HORSE DIVERS in large black print, along with my phone number, and NO JOB TOO […]
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